Chain of Illusions (Bringer and the Bane) Read online

Page 4

  First the hand she’d touched, then the arm and shoulder. The ash dropped and lay in neatly formed piles. Rell didn’t move, only watched as the body that had been her for thirteen years, disintegrated into gray powder. She wanted to scoop it up, to try and stop its destruction. Logically, there was no reason to want the reminder of all she’d been through, but the demon body had been a part of her—had protected her in a ruthless world.

  When the last trace of her Bane form had fallen to ash, Rell turned away and looked at Gregory. “What now?”

  He inhaled and scanned the crowd of Bringers. “Now we train.” He paused. “We have more Bringers to save.”

  Chapter Three

  Rell stared at herself in the mirror. The black wool-and-leather pants and tunic Ravyn had given her hung loose on her thin frame, but she liked the ease of movement that the clothes allowed her.

  It had been three days since she’d retaken her human body—three days to become accustomed to its weaknesses. When she’d first been shown her image, she’d looked about sixteen. Meran had told her she would change until she matched her present age and then grow older almost imperceptibly from there on. Rell appeared to be around eighteen years old now. Still fresh-faced, but she no longer possessed the childlike roundness.

  She smoothed her hand over her cheek. Even though she appeared nearly the same as the day she had been taken, the face that stared back at her was practically a stranger. Soon she would look her full twenty-eight years. She sighed, a twinge of vanity pinching her. Most women had the luxury of aging gradually. She would gain ten years within the next month. At least from that point on she would have centuries to grow used to her appearance.

  Her finger traced the single black line running from her lower lip to the dip above her chin. The stark Tell tattoo lay dark against her still slightly gaunt complexion. Though she looked young, her soul felt old.

  A knock sounded at her bedroom door and Jade peeked inside. “Good morning.”

  Rell turned from the mirror and smiled. “Good morning.”

  “You’re up early.” Her sister strode across the room and wrapped Rell in a brief hug. “How are you feeling?”

  It was a question Rell had been asked a hundred times over the last three days and one not easily answered. Physically she was getting stronger. Her coordination was back and her spirits as good as could be expected, but there were nuances she dared not share with the rest of the Bringers—a heaviness that still stirred within her soul.

  She shrugged. “Better—stronger. I think I’m finally getting used to being human again.”

  Jade perched on the edge of the bed. “Is it very different from being a Bane?”

  “Yes, but it’s difficult to describe.” Rell joined her sister on the bed, wondering how much she should share. Already she’d put Jade through so much. The last thing she wanted was for her to worry even more. It was difficult enough with Siban never more than ten feet away, hovering over her like a mother hen. “The body of a Demon Bane possesses so much power, but it’s dark and there was very little remorse for the things I did.” The concern in her sister’s expression spurred Rell on. “But I don’t feel that anymore. When I think of the emotions I had as a demon, I have a hard time reconciling them with my new life. Most Bane are reactionary.” She paused. “Except for Icarus—and Vile. Their actions are very deliberate.”

  “Gregory explained a bit about the Bane before you were returned to your human form.” Jade shifted to face her more fully. “He said that the demons who can steal souls and command the forces are Spoils, the original Bane. There are also Deceivers and Enticers, but these demons can’t steal souls. The rest are human who have been converted and are really just mindless soldiers.”

  Rell nodded. “That makes sense. I wonder what Sha-hera is.”

  “I’ve seen her and her army nearly lure an entire shipload of men to their death. I suspect the Captain of the Succubus army is an Enticer.” Jade shook her head. “She is one nasty piece of work.”

  “And deadly.” Rell gave an exaggerated shudder. Though she’d tried to stay out of the succubus’s way in the Shadow World, encounters with Sha-hera had still been too frequent. Close to Vile and at odds with Icarus, Sha-hera had set herself between father and son, hoping to grab Icarus’s power when Icarus was banished.

  A comfortable silence stretched between them. Since her transformation, Rell had spent very little time alone with her sister and there were still things that needed to be said—apologies to be made. “Jade.” She covered her sister’s hand with hers. “I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for everything I put you through.”

  Shame over so many betrayals swamped her. Not only had she kept the truth about their mother still being alive a secret, but she’d helped Icarus lure Luc and Jade into the Shadow World. Memories of those dark days threatened to crack Rell’s will.

  Her sister’s expression softened. “You don’t have to apologize—”

  “Yes I do,” Rell said, cutting her off. “I need to say these things so you know that I understand what I did.” Jade’s lips tightened into a thin line, but she didn’t reply, only gave a single nod. “After I’d been turned into a Demon Bane, I was more scared than I had ever been in my life. My mind was not right, battling to accept what I’d become and the loss of my family and my human life. I remember thinking that if I couldn’t accept my demon form, there was no possible way mother would accept me.” She swallowed down the memories of those first chaotic hours. “You were still a child, innocent and accepting. I needed somebody to see that I was still Esmeralda.”

  “I understand.” Jade gripped Rell’s hands and squeezed. “Don’t torture yourself.”

  “I’m not torturing myself, and I’m not making excuses for my actions. I had no control over being turned Bane, but by taking you away from our home when I knew mother still lived, I purposefully inflicted that same life on you. I forced you to live in the Shadow World with me. It was no place for a child. Cold, lonely, and dangerous. If the demons had discovered us, you would have shared my fate.” She paused. “I knew it was wrong, but after a while the thought of living alone was unbearable. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you that mother was alive. For that I will always be sorry.”

  “I won’t.” Jade leveled her gaze at her. “If everything we’ve gone through had to happen to bring us to this point, then I’d gladly live it again—even father’s death.”

  Her sister’s answer surprised her. “Why would you say that?”

  “What’s happening between the Bringers and the Bane is so much bigger than us, Esmeralda.” Jade’s use of her human name bit at Rell like a raw sore. No longer did she feel like Esmeralda. That girl was dead. “Not only have we both lived in the Shadow World, but you were a Demon Bane. You have more to offer the Bringers than anybody alive. You know how they think and feel, what they’re capable of physically.” She cocked a brow. “You and Siban may be the best secret weapons in the Bringer arsenal.” Jade touched her finger to the spot below her lip, indicating Rell’s Tell tattoo. “And since both of you are Tells, together you may be doubly effective. None of us who grew up on this side of the Arch have yet learned our full potential, but now there are those who can teach us.”

  Rell thought about it. Being a demon was still fresh in her mind, but perhaps over time the memories would fade—she hoped those memories would fade. “You might be right, but the price we’ve paid thus far has been steep.”

  “And bound to grow steeper before this war is over.”

  Siban stuck his head into the bedroom. “Breakfast has been set in the Great Hall. Are you hungry?”

  She sighed. “With the meals mother and Delphina keep feeding me, I won’t stay thin for long.”

  “But there’s no getting around it.” Her sister stood and tugged Rell to her feet. “Best to eat and not have to listen to either of them harp at us.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  In the hallway Siban placed a hand on her b
ack, guiding Rell down the stairs with Jade in the lead. He’d been her constant companion, only leaving her to sleep. Though sweet, his hovering made her feel pinned in at times. Being around people, and him specifically, would take some getting used to. Hopefully Siban would realize she wasn’t as delicate as he believed.

  The smell of bacon and the din from the household full of Bringers reached her before they’d turned the last corner. Noise and so many people set her nerves on edge. Their flowing conversations were like webs she tried to avoid. Besides Jade’s presence, her life had been isolated in the Shadow World. The ability and desire to engage in senseless chatter had been lost.

  As if sensing her apprehension, Siban’s arm slipped more firmly around her waist. He led her to the end of a long table. “Sit here and I’ll get us food.”

  She eased onto the bench next to the oldest of the three Bringer sisters, Juna. She was deep in conversation with Gregory, which gave Rell a chance to observe the two of them. Where Juna’s sisters emanated kindness and caring, she carried herself like a hardened warrior. Though she strongly resembled Ravyn, the older Bringer had none of her sister’s carefree or compassionate demeanor.

  Harsh whispers between Juna and Gregory reached Rell’s ears. The two appeared to disagree about what the Bringers’ next move against the Bane should be. Rell settled her gaze on Siban, but her attention was fixed completely on the conversation next to her. She wondered if Juna was King Gregory’s woman. He certainly allowed her far more freedom in speaking her mind than seemed normal for a king.

  “Then leave them here to train.” Juna’s whisper rose in volume. “I will take the others to the Shadow World. Letting the Bane get any stronger than they already are is foolish.”

  “You’re not thinking with your head. If you go into the Shadow World, who will train the others? You’ll do your mother no good if you get captured by Vile. I can’t allow it.” Gregory took a bite of eggs, chewed, and swallowed. “Besides, you need the others. They know the Shadow World far better than you do and none of them are yet ready for that kind of mission.”

  The woman bristled at his tone. “I am able to take care of myself.”

  He snorted and shoveled in another mouthful of eggs.

  “You think I can’t?” Juna placed her hands on either side of her trencher and leaned toward him, her voice coming out in an angry hiss. “After everything we’ve been through?”

  He exhaled and set his spoon down, turning to look at her. “Your abilities are not in question. It’s your logic. I will not risk your life unnecessarily. That is a promise I made to your father.”

  She stood and glared down at him. “I don’t need your protection anymore, Gregory. I’m not a child.”

  Rell watched the king, as he in turn watched his second-in-command stomp away. To the unbiased observer, his admiration for the woman was more than apparent. His silver gaze tracked to Rell, but she didn’t look away.

  “She’s very stubborn,” he said.

  “She thinks you see her as a child.” The words slipped out unbidden. Her brow cocked in question. “Do you?”

  A smile tugged at the corner of his sculpted mouth. “What do you think?”

  “No. If anything, I’d say your feelings are quite the opposite.” She held his stare. “Maybe you should tell her.”

  He gave a bark of laughter. “And lose my edge completely. No thank you.”

  At that moment Siban arrived with their food, putting an end to her and Gregory’s conversation. Piles of eggs, bacon, and crusty bread were stacked high on the square wooden slab. Her stomach growled in response to the delicious smells.

  “I hope you’re hungry.” Siban slid the plate onto the table in front of her.

  “Not that hungry.” She pointed to the food. “You’re planning on helping me eat this, yes?”

  He gave her a sheepish grin and plucked a piece of bread from the tray. “I am.”

  Nearly half the slice went into Siban’s mouth. Rell’s eyes widened. “Maybe I should eat my portion now before it’s all gone.”

  He chewed and smiled, making him look like a happy boy. She shook her head and picked up a piece of bacon. The savory aroma made her mouth water. After all the revolting things she’d eaten as a demon, she’d never get tired of delectable cooked meat.

  Gregory rose and walked to the front of the room to stand near the blazing hearth. The crackling fire framed his large body. His black hair gleamed from the flickering flames and his close-cut goatee lent a hard edge to his features. He was very handsome and looked every bit a king.

  Rell leaned toward Siban. “I think he’s sweet on the Bringer named Juna.”

  Siban’s eyes widened, his gaze skating to Gregory. He swallowed. “He’s got his work cut out for himself.”

  “Good morning,” Gregory said, cutting off the rest of their exchange. The conversation from the other Bringers stopped and everybody turned their attention to their leader. “I thought it best to explain what to expect in the upcoming days. Please, continue to eat. I’ll make this as brief as possible.”

  An unladylike snort issued from behind Rell. She craned her neck to see Juna leaning against a stone pillar a few yards away, arms tightly crossed in front of her chest. Rell returned her attention to the front of the room.

  “Two of the Bringers from my party.” The king pointed to a burly man and a statuesque woman sitting at the opposite end of the table. “Magnus and Brita, will instruct those of you from this side of the Arch on the Bringer history. It is lengthy and politically convoluted but I promise you will not be bored.” Quiet laughter rippled through the room. “I have a list of tasks, training, and posts that I’ve delegated to each of you. This will create a flowing schedule that will make the best use of our time while we train, prepare for our upcoming mission, and provide a constant watch to the manor.”

  “What is our next mission?” Luc asked between mouthfuls of food.

  Gregory crossed his arms and spread his legs in a more relaxed stance. “We are going to rescue the other Bringers from the Shadow World.”

  A low rumble of approval rolled through the crowd. Rell glanced at Juna again. The woman appeared more alert, less angry, her gaze fixed on Gregory. A sensation of anticipation and expectation emanated from her.

  Siban followed the direction she stared and he smirked. “She hopes to lead the mission.”

  “You feel it too?”

  He nodded. “Like she bashed me over the head with it.”

  Rell turned back to her food. “It’s going to take a while to get used to these Tell powers.”

  “If we ever do,” he said.

  “Juna will be leading the training sessions,” Gregory continued. “She is my second-in-command. Please go to her with any problems and questions if I’m not available.”

  Rell repressed the urge to smile. The king’s placation was obvious even if she hadn’t been a Tell.

  “After you’ve been trained and a plan has been developed, we will enter the Shadow World and Saints willing, rescue our own.”

  A single question formed in Rell’s mind, one that needed to be asked. She raised her hand.

  The king’s gaze landed on her, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. “Yes, Rell?”

  All heads turned toward her. She blocked out the wave of anxiety at being the center of attention. Siban’s hand slipped onto her knee below the table, giving her encouragement. “What if the captured Bringers have been turned to Bane? How do you plan on finding their demon forms?”

  Gregory inhaled and then exhaled deeply. “A very good question and one I have no answer for—yet. It may be as simple as letting the Bane know we’ve found the bodies.” He paused. “After all, you came to us, which we are grateful for.”

  Her reply was a single nod. The memory of the night she’d arrived at the manor, ranting to see her body, was not pleasant. The sense of losing everything and not knowing what was true or a lie had driven her to confront the Bringers. It had been the turning
point not just for her, but also in the Bringers fight against the Bane. The idea that she might be an essential part of their plan had given her the strength to face what was to come later—her demons, both imagined and real.

  “Are there any other questions?” Gregory waited. When nobody spoke he said, “Please finish this fine meal that has been prepared for you by Delphina and Willa, and then come to the bailey and we will begin training and delegating duties.”

  Conversation rose again, flowing around Rell and Siban. She continued to eat, contemplating the days to come.

  “Are you all right?” His hand remained on her leg, his fingers lightly stroking just above her knee.

  “I’m fine.” She swallowed the last bit of eggs. “I was just thinking that it’s good to have a task. Keeps my mind off what’s to come.”

  “I think that holds true for all of us.” His hand made a subtle trek upward, his fingers sliding between her thighs. “I’ve found that a vigorous workout clears the mind and exhilarates the body.”

  A thrill shot through her. She slowly turned her head and looked at him. His hazel eyes were hooded with desire, which took her by surprise because it was morning. Did people get amorous in the morning? Having been turned a Bane before experiencing the mysteries of coupling, she was oblivious to how relationships actually worked. One thing was certain, she liked the way Siban touched her and how he looked at her now. They’d kissed a couple of times, but only when she’d been a demon, and only in the most dire circumstances.

  Feeling emboldened, she lowered her voice. “Perhaps that is a part of my training you should oversee.”


  Siban held her gaze. Rell’s response surprised and delighted him. He’d been leery of pursuing the urges he’d gained once she’d been turned human, thinking perhaps she was still too delicate. Though she seemed open to his advances, he definitely needed to move forward with caution.

  He wanted her in his life—always, but she’d been so young when she’d been turned and he didn’t know what had happened to her during her time as a Bane. Asking seemed crass and far too personal for his comfort. Now that she was human, several possible scenarios concerned him. Perhaps he wouldn’t please her or maybe she’d find another Bringer more to her liking. There was no doubt she was beautiful. He’d staked his claim the second Rell had been taken prisoner. Though other men might respect his obvious interest, she might not.